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Kleen Spa™ Alkalinity Raiser

Kleen Spa™ Alkalinity Raiser

Kleen Spa Total Alkalinity Raiser is a finely powdered, fast-dissolving substance designed for elevating the overall alkalinity in both spa and swimming pool water.

Alkalinity represents the total alkali content in spa water. In cases of insufficient alkalinity, most added chemicals can significantly impact water balance, resulting in abrupt fluctuations in pH levels. Maintaining alkalinity at the appropriate levels serves as a protective buffer for pH.


Spa Application: Check the alkalinity using your test kit or strips, and if the reading is below 80mg/l (ppm), it's necessary to raise the total alkalinity. The dosage rate is 30g of Alkalinity Increaser per 1,000 liters of spa water, with each dose increasing alkalinity by approximately 10 - 20 mg/l (ppm). With circulation in progress, administer the dose directly in various areas around the spa, avoiding the skimmer. Only apply the dose when bathing has concluded. Re-test after 24 hours, and if total alkalinity remains low, repeat the dose. Maintain alkalinity levels between 80 - 160 mg/l (ppm).


Pool Application: Apply the product when total alkalinity drops below 80mg/l (ppm) and then sustain it within the desired range of 80 - 150mg/l (ppm). Pre-dissolve the product in a clean plastic container at a maximum rate of 100g per 2.2 gallons (10 liters) of clean water. Thoroughly stir to ensure complete dissolution. Add the resulting solution to the pool with the pump(s) turned 'on,' preferably near water inlets for effective distribution. The entire quantity of TA Raiser can be applied in one go, unless metals are present in the pool water.

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